It is easy to get a Skype Lesson by Skype anywhere in the world. It is amazing how close a lesson gets to a real lesson. Just send me a mail with date and time for the lesson and I will confirm it for you. It can be 1/2 hour or 1/1 hour.
I am using a 27″ screen when Skyping with you. You will need internet connection and a webcam with microphone.
My Skype name is: marimbadk
One hour: $ 60 (€ 45) – 1/2 hour: $ 40 (€30), payment by PayPal https://paypal.me/kaistensgaard
Please call for a Skype Lesson: phone +45 21229193 or Skype: marimbadk or email at ks@marimba.dk
I can offer you lessons in:
The Six Mallet Grip: how do you hold the mallets, how do you control the mallets, interval changes, excersices and maybe you would like to play one of my six malets pieces for me?
Four Mallet Technique (Stevens Grip): I studied the grip from Leigh Stevens back in 1980. I was the first marimba player in Denmark using this grip and I have a lot of experience in what to do and what not to do. I can get you a Stevens Grip chech up!
Method of Movement based on Alexander Technique: Some people get problems from playing. It can be problems in the wrist or in the arm. From studying the Alexander Technique and using it myself, I can give you good recommendation on how to stand and move your body when playing.
Musical & technical instruction of a piece of your choise: Maybe you want to play a piece for me and I will tell you what I think and maybe come up with suggestions on how to improve the piece for you.
Recomendations from Eric Bleicher, Alaska:
“Having the chance to work with (Kai) Stensgaard on Skype, and have my first lesson with him was a very valuable experience. I have noticed an immediate and significant difference in how I approach the instrument. His counsel in mallet voicing, performance, six mallet technique, and ergonomics are irreplaceable. I am incredibly grateful to connect Alaska and Denmark through the Marimba, and looking forward to working with him in future. Thank you, Kai!”